
It is a great pleasure to invite you to attend the International Conference on INVENTIONS (ICI 2016) taking place at Kenting, Taiwan from September 30 to October 3, 2016. The organizing committee of conference is pleased to invite prospective authors to submit their original manuscripts to ICI 2016.


1.    The official language for the conference is English.

2.    Authors have to submit the abstract first through the online abstract submission system before 1 Jul. 2016

3.    Upon acceptance, authors will be required to submit full paper before 1 Aug. 2016. The length of the full paper is limited to 2 or 4 pages including figures, tables and references.

4.    Authors will be required to register their papers before 1 Aug. 2016.

5.    Only abstract of the registered paper will be published in the conference proceedings.

For more detailed information, please click on Instructions for Authors.


The Conference Proceedings will be sent for EI index. Furthermore, excellent papers will be recommended to the special issues of the recommend journals after the chosen papers are extended and processed through at least two reviewers.

The selected papers in ICI 2016 can also obtain 20% discount publication fee for journal Materials and 10% discount publication fee for journal Sensors, and the peer review process will be organized and managed by MDPI

Keynote Speakers

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Prof. Takayoshi Kobayashi

Editor-in-Chief of Applies Science, MDPI

Prof. Josep M. Guerrero

Editor of IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid and

IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion

描述: 描述: 描述: 描述: C:\Users\User\Desktop\keynote speaker\image001.jpg


Dr. Ronggui Yang

S.P. Chip and Lori Johnson Faculty Fellow for 2013-2017


Prof. Hirofumi HIDAI

Chef secretary in Manufacturing & Machine Tool Division, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

Free/Optional Tour

描述: 描述: C:\Users\User\Desktop\Conference\2016\Website\Tour\kenting-national-park-4.jpg

Kenting National Park

Alishan National Scenic Area

Sun Moon Lake

For more information, please visit:                 

Contact Information

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We are looking forward to welcoming you at the 2nd International Conference on INVENTIONS (ICI 2016) at Kenting, Taiwan from September 30 to October 3, 2016.