2013 Asian Pacific Conference on Chemical, Material and Metallurgical Engineering (APCCMME 2013)

Website: http://www.apccmme-conf.org

Beijing, China, May 22-23, 2013


2013 Asian Pacific Conference on Chemical, Material and Metallurgical Engineering (APCCMME 2013) is a forum for presentation of new research results of Chemical, Material and Metallurgical Engineering. The forum aims to bring together researchers, developers, and users from around the world in both industry and academia for sharing state-of-art results, for exploring new areas of research and development, and to discuss emerging issues facing Chemical, Material and Metallurgical Engineering.

All ICMST 2013 Papers will be published by Advanced Materials Research (ISSN: 1022-6680), which will be indexed by Indexed by Elsevier: SCOPUS www.scopus.com and Ei Compendex (CPX) www.ei.org/. Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA) www.csa.com, Chemical Abstracts (CA) www.cas.org, Google and Google Scholar google.com, ISI (ISTP, CPCI, Web of Science) www.isinet.com, Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE) www.iee.org, etc.


Selected excellent papers will be published on reputation EI/SCI journal.

The submission system is https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=apccmme2013

Paper Submission Due: March 1, 2013

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